Telehealth for Naturopathy

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Is telehealth right for me?

Since the pandemic, have you found yourself asking is telehealth for naturopathy right for me? The modern world of technology is booming with robotics on the horizon, smart appliances and uber air well under way. Internet access is available all over the world and throughout remote and rural Australia now. Telehealth is paving the way for better and more affordable access to health care in areas that otherwise wouldn’t have access.

Did you know that if you live in a rural area you can consult with a psychologist and some specialists by video? Traditionally we are used to going to the clinic and sitting in waiting rooms to see our practitioner in person. Now days if you live in a remote or rural area in Australia you can access so many more services using the internet and telephone. You might even see an emergency doctor via video in regional Australia!

What are the benefits?


Our virtual mental health Naturopathy clinic offers remote and rural Telehealth consultations via secure video software, there’s nothing to download or install. Simply click the link in your welcome email to enter the virtual clinic room. Some of the benefits of Telehealth consults include:

They can be cheaper! Yes that’s right, you heard me correctly, I said it. “Cheaper”. Phone and video consults can be done from a home clinic consulting room, meaning practitioners have less business overheads and can pass on a discount to the patient. This means more people can access high quality affordable holistic health care.

Convenience – online bookings are available, online patient dispensary, no travel, no waiting, no parking, after hours available, enjoy your consultation from the comfort of your own home.

Better access – Anyone, anywhere in Australia can access a Naturopath!

What are the limitations?


There really aren’t that many, indeed there are certainly times when virtual health cannot replace in person care. For example, if you need to have your blood pressure measured or monitored, or other physical assessments. There is definitely a difference between seeing someone face to face compared to via phone or video, however in many situations, where it is not possible to do so, Telehealth can fill the gaps.

Whether you live in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin or in the middle of nowhere! You can access the highest quality personalised health care. Our clinics work with your doctor to provide integrative care. You don’t have to choose alternative medicine, you can choose integrative medicine and enjoy the best of traditional and modern medicine. We write referral letters to ensure your whole health care team is in the loop. We acknowledge that western medicine has it’s strengths and limitations, just like Naturopathy does. Combining the two modalities as part of your care plan ensures you are gaining the best of both worlds. At Moods For Wellness, we recommend you include a GP and a Psychologist as part of your care team when consulting with our Naturopath.

Is telehealth for naturopathy as good as face to face?


Interestingly, the Telehealth model is even backed by research. A recent study comparing the efficacy of Telehealth for mental health compared to in person consultations found that Telehealth is just as effective as in person care. Of course, if you live with in reach of a physical clinic, and feel more comfortable in person, we would encourage you to seek out in clinic care.

Modern technology is a wonderful thing when it allows us to be connected and access the services we need. We pride ourselves on making Naturopathy available in regional Australia. We look forward to seeing you in our online clinic! Are you ready to start your next chapter? Book online today. Find out more about our virtual clinic here.


Bulkes et al, 2022, “Comparing efficacy of telehealth to in person mental health care in intensive-treatment-seeking adults”, Journal of Psychiatric Research. Available at:


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